Everyday Awe
Experiences of awe, beauty and the sublime are universal to human experience in the real and virtual worlds and are much used in a fine art context. Research from positive psychology is showing that actively cultivating micro moments awe in our daily lives can increase our sense of empathy and can even make us more altruistic. Research from positive psychology is showing that actively cultivating micro moments awe can increase our sense of empathy and can even make us more altruistic. In the words of curator Denise Markonish “Wonder is not passive, we can cultivate it ... treat it like a practice".
In Wonderment 1
Staged in the studio from everyday materials and shot on film, In Wonderment 1 invites contemplation about where we might perceive awe in the here and now. of our everyday lives. 420x297mm on Fuji Matt. Edition of 15 & 1 A/P, 2020 |
Clouds & Swifts (Hackney)
This work is all about building interactions with our local ecosystems by using homemade, low tech, camera-less apparatus. This is a photo taken during a micro-adventure attempting to view of the clouds and swifts soaring underneath them above Hackney, East London through camera obscura made from cardboard packaging. The work was made in response to the wonderful‘Working with the Wild’ course run by the Sustainable Darkroom and Oliver Raymond Barker in the Summer of 2023. 297x210 mm on Fuji Matt. Edition of 20 & 1 A/P, 2023 |